Category Archives: blogging

Knitting A Bit

So, here’s your sporadic blogger once again. Finally. I know I’ve been awful about posting, but life is beginning to fall back into a normal pattern once more.

Mom and I are getting along beautifully. I’m sure everyone who knows us wondered if it would go well, since I’d lived alone for so many years. It helps, of course, that Mom and I have always gotten along well. We enjoy each other’s company and actually have quite a bit in common.

I’m finally getting back into the swing of knitting again. Mom doesn’t drive, which means I spend a bit of time in waiting rooms during her medical appointments. This time has been spent knitting a couple of hats, a mobius scarf, several dishcloths, and various other projects. My “at-home” project at the moment is a wreath for our front door. I have the frame cover completed and have finished about a third of the first layer of leaves. I hope it turns out as cute as the pattern looks!

It’s hard to believe that this coming Monday is Labor Day….where did the summer go?? It’s been unusually sticky this summer, so I’ve not spent nearly as much time on the deck as I’d like. Hopefully I’ll get to spend a few mornings out there with a cup of coffee now that the weather has begun to cool a bit.

Mom’s been walking every day; she makes me look like a real slacker! *LOL* I know that I should be walking, too, but just haven’t been able to convince myself to get started yet. Soon. Really.

The new season of Doctor Who started last Saturday, and I’m happy to say I’m very pleased with the 12th Doctor, Peter Capaldi. Now if I could just get some new episodes of Sherlock….and Downton Abbey….and Game of Thrones. (Addicted, you think?)

I’m a bit headachy today….a result of sinus congestion, I’m sure. What I’d really love to do is curl up on the couch with a book and a comforter. Unfortunately, I have a few more hours at the office before I can do that.

And So It Begins……

For a long time now (since July 2003, in fact) I’ve been keeping a couple of different blogs at  I kept one blog for my knitterly friends and a different blog for my not-so-knitterly friends.

Life has become very busy for me in the past few months, and I’ve decided that it would be best to combine my blogs.  I also wanted to give WordPress a whirl, thinking it might be quicker to post here and therefore I might be a little less pokey about posting.  🙂

So, here I am.  I’ve now imported all my posts from both “Dava’s Corner” and “Cricket Knits a Bit” on Blogger, so welcome to all of you who followed me to the new site.  To those of you who are new to my posts, they’re honestly not all that exciting.  I lead a low-key kinda life, but feel free to drop in to see what’s up in my little corner of the world.  It’s not a thrilling life, but it’s a good one.

Happy New Year!

And so I finally have gotten around to blogging…..I’ve become such a slug about this that it’s downright ridiculous!!  I just saw that my KnitMeter said that “I haven’t knit any this year.”  That, of course, is simply not true.  I’m just way behind in posting my projects to the KnitMeter.  And I don’t even want to think about how far behind I am on Ravelry.

I didn’t make any New Year’s resolutions this year, but I’m going to promise myself to make an effort to blog more regularly.  I enjoy blogging; I think I’m just out of the habit!

And so….I’m off to try to remember what I’ve been knitting and get that posted to KnitMeter before my lunch break ends.  🙂

Have a great week, Knitsters!

I Should Be Ashamed

I can’t believe how lax I’ve become about blogging.  I’m always notoriously slow about correspondence, but DANG this has gotten out of hand.

Yesterday an old friend mentioned on Facebook that she enjoyed reading my blog.  Then I thought, “Oh, wow, I wonder how long it’s been since I blogged.”  Too long, that’s how long.

It’s not difficult for me to blog.  In fact, I rather enjoy dribbling thoughts out onto the composition screen.  So why has it suddenly turned into blogging once every month or two?

  1. I’ve been really busy.  Baloney.  I’m always really busy.  I always find time to do things I enjoy.
  2. I’ve not been feeling well.  True enough.  But that usually doesn’t stop me from blogging either.
  3. There’s nothing interesting in my life to write about.  Heaven knows THAT has never stopped me from blogging.

So what’s the deal?  Truth is, I have no idea.  I think I’ve simply gotten out of the habit of blogging.  I’m writing this entry during my lunch break at work, but that isn’t always possible.

I think I need to just set aside blogging time, just like I set aside time to do everything else in my life.

Here’s hoping I’ll be back much sooner than has been usual for me lately.  Have a great week, everyone!


I can’t believe I’ve not blogged in two months.  Even for someone as pokey about blogging as I am, that’s pretty extreme!

And oh my, it’s been an eventful two months!  The most important news comes first:  on October 11, 2012, my handsome grandson, Nio, was born!  His arrival has been long-anticipated, and we’re all so very grateful that he arrived safe and sound!

Isn’t he adorable?  (Not that I’m biased or anything….*LOL*)  Nio lives in Australia, so you can imagine how much I’m aching to get my hands on this wonderful little guy.  Plans are being made for Nio and his mommies to come visit me next Easter, so keep your fingers crossed.  🙂

Work has been as hectic as usual; I find myself coming home from the office and piling into the recliner, where I often nap for a bit before going to bed.  I did manage to get some rest over the Thanksgiving holiday, which helped considerably.

I’m much further behind in my Christmas knitting than I intended to be at this point.  I really MUST get more done in the next week or so.  When I’m as tired as I’ve been lately, it’s hard for me to pick up the needles when I get in the recliner.

Enough whining.  I will now close my blog entry and KNIT.  🙂   Hope you all had a safe and Happy Thanksgiving!

Holiday Shopping

Well, I may not be ready for the holidays, but I’m finished! I stopped at Wal-Mart last night and picked up the last of the odds and ends. Oh. Except for some canned chunk ham to make a ham ball. They were sold out of that.

Did you ever wonder if anyone reads your blog, or it’s the same as keeping one of those diaries I had as a little girl….you know, the one with the lock and key. (I always wondered if all the keys were alike. *noting that I was a bit paranoid as a kid*)

There are never any comments on my blog, but then again, I read a lot of blogs and never leave comments, either. Hmmmmmmmmm.

Ah well, got to get to the grindstone. More later.

Missing Someone I Never Knew

I just read on “Not Martha” (a favorite site that I read almost daily) that Leslie Harpold has passed away. Reports say that she died alone (probably of bronchitis), and that her mother found her on Sunday.

A couple of years ago I followed a link from “Not Martha” to Leslie’s Advent Calendar, which has been bookmarked on my computer ever since.

It became a holiday tradition for me. I looked forward to clicking a new link on the calendar each day; each link led to holiday games, recipes, reminisces.

I noticed that the calendar hadn’t been updated since December 7, but just assumed that a busy holiday schedule may have delayed the update. When I read of her passing, I felt a sense of loss. I’m sure that across the internet, this sense of loss is felt by many.

Fare thee well, Leslie Harpold, and thank you for the lovely holiday memories you evoked for me.

I’m a bad, bad blogger…..

I swear, I don’t INTEND to be so bad at posting on my blog, honest! It just seems that life gets ahead of me sometimes….okay….MOST times.

Holidays were good. Relatively quiet, but good. On December 24 we went to visit Randy’s mom (she’s in a nursing home), then went to Mom & Dad’s that evening for a holiday dinner with them, Bud & Daphene, and Dallas & Sue. A good time was had by all. Too much food, as always, but fun.

On Christmas Day we went to North Carolina to see Randy’s granddaughters. As usual, it was loud and wild. Sky was really keyed up; Chloe was sick and cranky because she’d been up all night and was sick with a cold. After we left there, we went by Sandy & Wilton’s to visit for a bit, then came back home. It’s a 3-hour drive each way and we left very, very early that morning, so I was truly glad to see the end of Christmas Day!

New Year’s Eve would have slipped right past us, but a car alarm went off under my bedroom window at 11:30 p.m. So, for the first time in many years I actually saw the ball drop in Times Square! *LOL*

I was off from December 24 through January 2 and really enjoyed having the time off. I can’t say I accomplished a great deal, but at least I finally got some rest.

Went back to work on January 3 and things haven’t let up since. I was for Martin Luther King Day on January 16, and believe it or not I NEEDED a long weekend by then.

Well, lunch break’s over, so I’d better get back to work. I’m trying not to let the mess on my desk overwhelm me, but it’s beginning to bug me!


It’s been THAT LONG since I posted? Sheesh. Let’s see now, what’s happened since then??

Well, I’m on a flex schedule for the summer. I’m working 10-hour days, Monday through Thursday, with Fridays off! *YAY* I love flex schedule. I’d work it year-round if they’d let me. The 10th hour gets pretty long, but I dearly love not having to come to the office on Friday.

The first Friday of my summer was spent waiting for Randy’s boss (A.K.A. the Procrastinating Jerk) to call to let him know something about his truck. I vowed that would NOT happen to me again.

On my second Friday, I went to a neat little tearoom in Kingsport all by myself for lunch, then shopped a bit and visited with Mom & Dad. That was really fun.

My third Friday (last week) was spent picking up tags for my car, visiting Mom & Dad, and shopping a bit. One of the items I shopped for was a DVD burner for my PC. I just love new toys!

I’ve not decided yet what to do with this Friday. In fact, I’m not sure yet whether Randy will be in town or not. He’s been driving a truck for the past few weeks, but has been home for the last few days. He came in from his last run early last Saturday morning and hasn’t gone back out yet.

If he’s in town Friday, I may have to find him a project to keep him occupied so I can go do something with MY FRIDAY. *LOL*

Memo to self: write more tomorrow and tell the tale of last week’s business trip to Lynchburg.

Man, what a day. How many Mondays ARE there in one week, anyway? And there’s still plenty to do when I get home. I’m on “flex time” now, working four 10-hour days, so I’m pretty well whipped by the time the workday is over. It sure is nice having Fridays off, though. 🙂 I’ll soon be going back to five 8-hour days; it’ll take a little getting used to. It’s nearly the end of the workday now, though, and there’s not enough time to start another project, so I’m taking a moment to make a quick post. Maybe soon I’ll be able to actually start a true blog. *LOL* A moment ago I added a link to Dave Barry’s blog. It’s always entertaining, often bizarre. 🙂